Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


vacation memories... why do people feel it necessary to go to the top of the St. Louis Arch anyway?

So, as you can probably guess from the title of this post, our next stop was a visit to the St. Louis Arch.  And, yes, we went to the top. 

Let me just say that even as we stood outside, at the base of this enormous structure, I started to feel ill and could not even look up at the full height of the Arch.  In fact, even though between Steve & myself I am the household's resident photographer, Steve had to be the one to take most of these pictures of the Arch as I was unable to do so.  Now you know.... I am strong about lots of things, but when it comes to heights I am quite a wimp.  So, the thought of taking this ride to the top just was not something I wished to do.

But, when Geoffrey said, "Okay, let's go to the top!" I made the decision to go along, too.  I wasn't going to be left behind.

As it turns out, the only one who really enjoyed the visit to the top of the St. Louis Arch was Steve.  Hope did not have any real concept of where she was, and Geoffrey & I just could not wait to go back down.

Anyway, I guess I can check this off of some "Things to Do" list somewhere... with  no plans to ever (and I do mean EVER) do it again.

Enjoy the pictures!

(This marks the end of my picture taking role...
Steve took these other shots from the base looking straight UP.)

Here are the photos taken from the viewing windows at the top of the Arch (did you know it is twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty?):

There was, in fact, a baseball game going on at the time.


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