Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


Caring for My Daugher's Hair

As those of you who know me well already know, I love taking care of Hope's hair!  We often receive attention (sometimes too much attention, actually...) out in public for Hope's beautiful locks.  I always consider it a special compliment when African American women ask me where I take her to have her hair done, and then they become impressed when I tell them I style it myself. 

I do often get asked the same set of questions.  "How long does that take?"  "Doesn't she mind sitting still for that long?"  "Where did you learn to do that?"

How long the process takes depends on the particular style.  I don't mind taking a long time to put in a style that I know is going to last.  The style she's wearing here Hope will wear probably for about a month, so the hours (about 8, over two days) spent putting it in were a good investment.  Since this is the most time consuming style Hope wears, I can usually style her hair in half that time.  Hope does not mind sitting still... she's used to it since I've been styling her hair since she was about 18 months old (I would have started earlier had I known what I was doing better).  What some people don't realize is just how special that time is to us (me especially).  We are spending time together, and I am showing her how much I care for her.  We have fun, too, watching silly children's shows together.  We do, of course, take frequent breaks... and let's not forget the snacks (for Hope, not me since my hands are busy)!

As to the "Where did you learn to do that?" question, I have a few answers.  First off, I am blessed to have Black women in my life who have shared what they know about proper hair care.  Secondly, there are many ways to learn new things on the internet.  I read several hair blogs, and these blogs are often a good place to learn about a style I haven't tried yet, techniques, or good hair products.  (We use all natural products, by the way, which I believe is part of the reason why Miss Hope's hair is so healthy.)  Lastly, most of what I learn comes from me just getting my hands into Hope's hair and trying. 

One of the hair blogs I enjoy is called "Chocolate Hair, Vanilla Care."  Cute, huh?  Of course this means exactly what it sound like--a white (vanilla) Mama caring for her black (chocolate) daughter's hair.  Today, Hope and I are featured on the blog along with other moms and their kiddos in a post called "Share the Hair 'Mama and Me' Mother's Day 2012 Edition."  Moms were asked to try to share their child's hairstyle and submit a photo.  Since I had recently cut my hair short, I certainly couldn't try to wear braids like Hope, but we were still able to participate.

Please follow the link below to read the entire post at "Chocolate Hair, Vanilla Care."


  1. How very pretty! What a beautiful picture of you both! I can't believe how long her hair is getting! Thanks for sharing. I love you both so much. Mom/Nana
