Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


Not a Hair Blog, but... Here's Hope's School Picture Day Hair Reveal

So, as promised a few days ago, here are some photos of Hope on her (very first) school picture day.  Lest anyone think I was the driving force behind any of the decisions regarding Hope's appearance for that day, let me just say this:  Hope is a very "girly girl" and she l-o-v-e-s choosing clothes, hair accessories, shoes, etc.  Her hairstyle was also her choice, and the choice began with a VERY cute headband she selected at the store.  From there, we talked about possible styles that would work with the headband and decided on small braids (with beads, of course!).  Hope also chose her clothes for picture day, and insisted on wearing her pink cowboy boots with the outfit.  Who could argue with such style?

Again, I find myself wondering where a Mom could
go to find pink cowboy boots, too?

She is certainly looking Fabulous!  (And, yes, she knows it!)

And, how could she resist showing off a twirl?

So, as far as the hair goes... Hope is wearing small box braids, which is a very long-lasting hairstyle for us, and that is a plus!  For anyone who likes to know the count, she has more than 100 this time.  She will likely keep these braids in for a month, possibly longer.  Another plus is that this style is very versatile, meaning we can do a lot of different things with her hair when she is wearing these type of braids.  For example, she has already worn the braids in low braided pigtails twice.  And, today she chose another headband (this one a simple cloth headband) and I pulled some of the braids from the front back so they wouldn't dangle in her face.  Because Hope's hair has gotten so long, even having beads on the braids won't limit much of what we might want to do with them (like ponytails and such), but I will probably take the beads out after a couple of weeks.  That will allow me to do even more with the braids, like french braiding them and more.  Stay tuned for highlights at the end of our month with these braids.

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