Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


Happy Independence

However your family spent this past Independenc Day, I hope it was blessed.  Ours was!  The fireworks display, held July 3rd, was Hope's first one.  We wondered if she would even stay awake long enough to watch the fireworks, since her usual bedtime is about 7:00.  We left our house about 7:30, and the fireworks started about 10:20.  Well, guess what?  Miss Hope was, in fact, still awake!  At first, she was a touch overwhelmed and a little scared, but soon she was really enjoying all the lights and colors in the sky.  She did, of course, fall asleep promptly once buckled into her car seat. 

The last couple of years, Geoffrey has gone alone with his Dad.  We were so happy to attend the event all together!  We already started talking about what to bring along next year to pass the time until the show starts. 

Happy Independence!

By the way, Hope participated in something fun this year called "Fros on the Fourth" which I read about at Chocolate Hair, Vanilla Care.  She loved, and I mean l-o-v-e-d, having her hair loose and free in her Afro this past week.  Hope's hair regularly receives a lot of attention, to be sure, but her Afro really turned heads!

As a part of taking care of Hope's hair this week, I have put it into large braids each evening before bed.  Then in the morning, I remove each braid and 'finger-rake' through the hair a curl definer.  All week, Hope's curls have retained their moisture, shine, and above all movement and bounce!!  The evening of fireworks I needed to put in her 'bedtime braids' before we left since I knew she would be asleep before we got home.  Thus, the adorable hat... and I do have to say the girl should probably be in commercials or something she is just so darn cute!

More pictures of Hope's Beautiful Afro ~


Hope's "Thoughts" on Hope's hair:

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