Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."



The big news in Hope's life is the big move she made this week... out of her car seat and into a booster seat! I'm not sure how other kids feel about this transition (I don't really recall Geoffrey caring too much about it), but let me tell you, Hope is proud and V-E-R-Y excited!  For the first couple of days, she told just about everyone she saw "I got a booster seat!  In the car!"

...And just look at that smile!

By the way, that's Hope's "Guy" (Guy is a girl in case you're wondering) that she has tucked on her shoulder.  This little blanket with stuffed rabbit attached is something Geoffrey picked out for Hope before she even came home to us!  Early on, Hope started calling it "my Guy" and the name has stuck.  On this particular morning, she was closing up her bedroom door saying "Bye, Guy!"  She was so excited when I suggested that she could bring "Guy" in the van, then she insisted that Guy needed a seat belt, too!

Keep that seat belt on, Miss Hope, and safe travels to you my dear girl!!

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