Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


so proud!

We've been busy around here this week getting settled in now that school is out for the summer.  I am truly enjoying having Geoffrey and Hope with me every day!  (Ask me again in a few weeks, right? --just kidding, of course, since Geoffrey is probably reading this...)

Last week, though, we had a very special day for Geoffrey--his last day of elementary school.  That's right, 5th grade graduation!  On to middle school!  This was a chance to celebrate what has already been accomplished before moving on. 

First of all, I must say that Geoffrey looked so handsome!

We were so proud (!) to watch Geoffrey be honored, along with only 10 other 5th graders (out of 81) with the Presidential Award for Educational Excellence.  The award is based on academic performance during both 4th and 5th grades, including grade point average and standardized testing. 

Geoffrey, I want to tell you again how very proud I am of you... for many things.  Certainly your academic performance is something I am proud of, but there is more.  This has been a difficult year, and you have handled the changes that came your way with great strength and courage.  You have grown into a wonderful young man right before my eyes, and I am blessed to know you and to be your mom.  I love you!

p.s. You better keep kissing and hugging me, even though you're going to middle school now!!  Love, The Mom


  1. Okay, now that you have brought tears to my eyes, I have to say that certainly is one handsome, terrific young man standing there! How did this happen? Where is that little guy I used to dance around with, singing to? I am so blessed to be your Nana Geoffrey! And you'd better believe you are NEVER EVER allowed to outgrow hugs & kisses for the Nana! I am so proud of you I think I could fly! I love you!

    1. Yes, he has gotten so big! Just yesterday, I bought him some new sandals for summer, and he was in a men's size--not boy's, but men's!! I asked him where I should go to file my complaint, but he reminded me that I always say it is good for him to be growing. I told him I changed my mind! :)
