Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


My Daughter, the Aspiring Fairy

My daughter seems to have aspirations which now include having magical fairy powers. Specifically, Hope seems to want to be like Abby. For those of you without preschoolers, Abby is a cute little character on "Sesame Street," and Abby is a Fairy-in-Training. Ever since Hope saw Abby in the movie, "Abby in Wonderland," she has been trying out her own magical fairy powers. She goes around carrying her little plastic wand (yes, it looks just like Abby's) and saying "Poof!" Um, unfortunately for Hope, this is not working. In fact, those were her exact words: "Mommy, not working!" I'm not all together sure about what it is that Hope is trying to poof, but she does keep on trying... so I am hearing "Poof!" a lot these last few days. This morning, though, she was clear about what she was trying to poof. In the van after dropping Geoffrey off at school, Hope did her little "Poof," followed by, "I can't do it... it not working!" So I asked Hope, "What are you trying to poof?" She sweetly said, "Daddy... it not working!" See, Daddy was at work, and Miss Hope felt that if she poofed him, he would magically appear. Since she couldn't get Daddy that way, she did try poofing Geoffrey as well, which, I'm sure you can guess was "not working" either. Poor, sweet little Hope!


  1. How SWEET!! I sure miss those day of having a child with a Sesame Street imagination! Love it!

  2. I laughed right out loud when I read this! I can just hear her sweet little voice saying, "Mommy, not working!" But at least she is trying & believing it will work! I guess that is why the Bible says we need the faith of a little child - ask believing you will receive & it will be given to you!
