Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."



Dear Hope,

Today someone asked me a question about you.  It wasn't the first time a person had used these kind of words before, and, sadly, I know it will not be the last.  While the feelings evoked by her question are still fresh in my mind and heart, I want to take a moment to express to you how I feel.

What did she say?  A simple question, really, but such an unfortunate choice of words.  To anyone else, these words wouldn't carry too much power, I'm sure, but to Moms and Dads and Children of Adoption, the words seek to minimize our families' "Realness."

"Did you adopt Hope, or is she yours?"

My answer:  "She is mine.  And I adopted her."

My dear daughter, Hope, you could not be more mine!  Our love, our connection, our family... it's real!  And you are, and always will be, mine in every way!

My heart is often just overcome by gratitude that God chose me to be your Mother.  No, I did not carry you, and I was not there the day you were born.  But, you are still mine.  We are knit together the same as other Mothers and Daughters.  What I feel for you is not different than what other Mothers feel for their children.  I would lay down my own life for you.  I will stand beside you and support you throughout any moment of difficulty in your life.  I will celebrate your accomplishments and care for your needs.  I will cherish and treasure you.  At times, I may yell at you, just like any Mom, for sure, and give you whatever discipline you need to grow up good and right.  But I will love you all the time.  I am yours and you are mine.


1 comment:

  1. I have tears in my eyes as I read this moving post because anyone who knows you & your family can see plainly that you & Hope are as bound together by love as any two people can be. I also know that the rest of us who are blessed to be related to Hope feel the same way - she is our granddaughter in every way and it never occurs to me to think of her in any other way. Praise God for your beautiful family and you!
