Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


My Hopie is 2!

Oh my dear Hope,

Happy Birthday! I can hardly believe a year has gone by and my little baby girl is now two! What a year it has been for you --

You learned to walk, and then to run-
You talk more and more every day-
You love your family so much-
You dance to the music, even when there is none-
You are so funny and full of laughter-
You play and look at books and are so smart-
You count to 9 all on your own (well... technically 6, since you say 1-2-3-4-5-6--9!)-
You sing happy songs-

When you fall you get back up-
When you need help you ask for it-
When you cry to seek comfort-
When you're happy you share your joy freely--

When God made you, Hope, He gave a treasure to this world and a priceless gift to this mother. I will always be so grateful that He chose me for you, and you for me. My heart is filled with wonder of how two souls separated by so many miles would be meant for each other all along, and that our wonderful God would fulfill His purpose by guiding you home to me.

Here's to Year Number 3!



  1. My eyes are filled with tears of joy after reading this and watching the videos (maybe just a few of sadness because I wasn't there). Hope is most certainly meant for great things; she already has brought so much to our family. A smile and a giggle from her are pure joy! Happy Birthday little Miss Hope & I'll see you soon! Love, Nana

  2. I LOVE the pics and the videos!!! Hope is such a happy, happy child! Tell her we love her (and Geoffrey and Eli too!!!)

    Love, Eeva :o)
