Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


Happy, Happy Birthday, Eli!

What happiness!

What a blessing to share this day with you, Eli. How precious to spend this time celebrating your birthday for the first time!

I am reminded so often today of this same day one year ago -- when we were waiting for you. We could not have let that day go by unnoticed, even though you were far away, so we marked the occasion in special ways, but underneath, I felt so sad to be missing you. And now -- joyfully -- I no longer have to miss you!

You bring such a tremendous energy to our family -- you are so full of life! When people meet you, they want to know you. You make everyone around you smile more, laugh louder, and dance better--well, maybe not actually better . . . but they dance anyway! :)

Today there is one small act that touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes--the moment when you licked the cake beaters! Such a silly little thing, but it meant the world to me that you were here to do it. And that is because one of my more specific memories from last year's birthday was baking your cake and noting how you were not here to lick the beaters. But now, here you are, enjoying every moment of your very first birthday!!

And so, here's to you, Eli! Happy, happy birthday! May God bless you always, and as the song says, may you have "many, many more!"


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