Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


Good For Them!

This past Sunday, Geoffrey and his dad participated in a 15 mile bike ride in Three Oaks. The annual event is called Apple Cider Century, and riders can bike several different distances, even up to 100 miles. Next year they are planning to attempt the 25 mile distance.

What an accomplishment! I am especially happy for Geoffrey to have done this at the age of 9. He often dreams of someday organizing a world-wide bike tour; of his 15 mile ride he told me, "If I want to bike around the world someday, then I have to start somewhere."


Gone Home

I'll miss you, dear friend.

Now there is no pain, no suffering for you any longer. Now you are at peace. I know there is no one happier today than you, Virginia, to be in the loving arms of our Father in Heaven.

Thank you for every lesson you taught me -- I promise I'll remember. Thank you for every hug given -- I promise I'll be generous with my own. Thank you for making me your family -- I promise you'll always remain part of mine.

My faith assures me that I will see you again one day. Until then--

I'll miss you.


Happy, Happy Birthday, Eli!

What happiness!

What a blessing to share this day with you, Eli. How precious to spend this time celebrating your birthday for the first time!

I am reminded so often today of this same day one year ago -- when we were waiting for you. We could not have let that day go by unnoticed, even though you were far away, so we marked the occasion in special ways, but underneath, I felt so sad to be missing you. And now -- joyfully -- I no longer have to miss you!

You bring such a tremendous energy to our family -- you are so full of life! When people meet you, they want to know you. You make everyone around you smile more, laugh louder, and dance better--well, maybe not actually better . . . but they dance anyway! :)

Today there is one small act that touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes--the moment when you licked the cake beaters! Such a silly little thing, but it meant the world to me that you were here to do it. And that is because one of my more specific memories from last year's birthday was baking your cake and noting how you were not here to lick the beaters. But now, here you are, enjoying every moment of your very first birthday!!

And so, here's to you, Eli! Happy, happy birthday! May God bless you always, and as the song says, may you have "many, many more!"



My Sweet Friend

This past week has seen multiple trips to the hospital to visit my dear friend, Virginia. She is more than a friend to me -- she is family. Often when you meet a person, the connection takes time. But, sometimes, if you are blessed enough to meet someone special, the connection is just already there waiting for you to arrive. That is how it was like for me and Virginia. Our relationship began over the phone, really, because Virginia was homebound at the time we became acquainted. We were working together on our church's phone prayer chain. Those phone conversations were always something to look forward to, and before I knew it, I had a very special lady in my life. All that was left was to meet face to face!

As her health improved, Virginia was able to start attending church. That first day seeing her in person was like coming home. What a hugger! And since then, Virginia has always remained such a special part of our family. And lucky me -- I got to be part of hers!

There are some obvious differences between us two friends--our age, background, and, yes, our color. These differences never mattered to either one of us, in fact, I always felt they enhanced our relationship. It always brought a smile to my face to hear Virginia introduce me to someone (even a member of her family) as her "white daughter." And she is that second Mom to me (my own Mom doesn't mind a bit), and she is also Granny to my kids.

Life is not easy for Virginia--hasn't really been for quite a while. But never have I met anyone who has such a quiet strength, a loving spirit, a giving heart, and a mouth full of praise at all times. This is a perfect example of the power of Christian witness: Last week, when Virginia was admitted to the hospital after a heart attack, she was advised to have risky open heart bypass surgery. The situation was serious, and Virginia was rightfully afraid of what was coming. One of the hospital staff who was involved in her care said to Virginia, "I want what you have!" The staff member was referring to Virginia's faith! In the middle of a storm in her life, Virginia was still finding a way to lead those around her to the Lord--and isn't that the greatest thing any of us can ever accomplish?

Since her surgery, Virgina has suffered two strokes. The road to recovery for her will be tremendously long and difficult. It is so hard to see this beautiful, shining woman of God in such a broken and vulnerable position--unable to move on her own, to gaze at the ones she loves, or even to speak most of the time. And so, what can I do but follow her example? I must and I will continue to place my dear Virginia in the hands of our Lord, for only He can restore and heal. And, as important as it is for me to trust God in this season, I know Virginia wants for me to never cease in praising Him, even now. This is how Virginia lives her life--in God's hands, ever-praising--and this is the greatest lesson she has taught me.

off to school :)

Geoffrey and Eli started school this week--Geoffrey in the 4th grade at a new school, and Eli in school for the very first time! Geoffrey seems happy and is gaining in confidence each day. Eli is so excited - giggly, in fact, upon arrival each morning.

... and Hope? Well, she's enjoying her Momma!