Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."


backyard fun

Geoffrey taught Hope the art of the 'Cannonball,' which she delighted in doing with him repeatedly.

To me, a backyard plastic pool is just one of those simple pleasures in this life.  We always had one in my mom & dad's backyard, but back then it was the hard-sided plastic kind, not the inflatable kind you can get today.  I love that my kids can just play together so freely, and neither one of them needs anything more than to splash around in the water in their backyard pool.  We'll get to the beach often this summer, for sure, but on those regular-need to be at home-days, our little backyard pool is just fine with us!

Father's Day Football

Yesterday, on Father's Day, Steve participated in a very special annual event with our church.  The tradition began a few years ago, when the youth of our church challenged the men to a game of flag football.  Yesterday's game was another great match-up, with the final score being 14-14.  Here's another news story and some photo highlights from the game.  (If you're looking for Steve, by the way, he's #2...)

The volunteers who made it all possible

Deacon Mel

Many of the Proud Moms of our youth players

Geoffrey and Hope had a great time out at the field as well!  Geoffrey was helping with sales, and was a terrific helper (!!) to me and some other moms, being Big Brother & babysitter to several young kids from our church.  Hope had such fun playing with the other girls.  I had fun, too, helping to take pictures of the action.  I'm very proud that my children have such a loving and generous dad!


nikki & leks on the run!

I recently was honored to accept the invitation to be a "Running Buddy" with my best friend's wonderful daughter, Leks, in a 5K event with "Girls on the Run."  Her own mom unfortunately could not attend, because her other fabulous daughter had her 5th grade Graduation on the same evening.  And, so I was able to attend the run with Leks, and I was thrilled to do it!

Just a little background, here, to fully explain why this was such a special opportunity for me.  See, growing up and even into my adult years, I had always struggled with my weight.  Girls in my elementary school teased me for being the fat girl.  Had there been a "Girls on the Run" at my school I probably would not have had the courage to participate.  I still remember some of the comments the other girls would make when I would talk about trying to lose weight, and how embarrassed I would feel when I couldn't use the teeter-totter with my friends unless I sat in front of the bar (since it wouldn't balance otherwise).

As an adult, my weight issues continued.  At my heaviest I weighed just over 250 pounds.  About a year after Geoffrey was born, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which is a condition that causes widespread muscle pain and chronic fatigue.  In my efforts to learn how to better manage my fibromyalgia, I kept reading about exercise again and again, and how it could help in improving symptoms.  So I started walking, and I could only walk 10 minutes (roughly a third of a mile).  But I did my 10 minutes.  Over time, I added another 10 minutes later in the day, my speed increased over time as well.  I just kept adding to my time until I was walking about an hour each day.

Slowly, and I do mean s-l-o-w-l-y, my weight started to change (serioulsy, I only lost 14 pounds in the entire first year!).  Eventually I reached a very healthy weight for my body, but experienced an unexpected weight gain as a result of a medication change.  Earlier this year I joined our local YMCA, and began to change a lot of what I was doing in terms of exercise.  I also started using a very cool device, called a Fitbit, which helps me to track the calories I eat and burn.  Since September I have been able to lose almost 30 pounds (all of what I had gained from the medication issue), and I'm still working toward my long-term goal weight.  Best of all, though, is that I feel good--I'm active and healthy and I actually seem to have become one of those crazy people who enjoys exercising!  :)

So when I said 'yes' to participating in the Girls on the Run 5K, I can honestly say that I was happy to do it!  I knew if I focused on my goal (which was to run the whole thing, and do it in less than 40 minutes) I could get there.  And the little fat girl that is still somewhere inside of me was so proud to be running that night (in the rain, I might add... which wouldn't have been so bad had the temperature not been 50 degrees). 

And in case you're wondering, I did meet my goal!  I certainly wasn't the fastest person on the course (and in fact, my buddy Leks finished before me!  Way to go Leks!!), but I did run the whole thing without stopping.  A week before the event, I had run the distance on a treadmill at the Y, doing it in 37 1/2 minutes.  On the night of the Girls on the Run 5K, I finished the course in 33 1/2 minutes. 

And, also in case you're wondering, this 5K will not be my last... :)


so proud!

We've been busy around here this week getting settled in now that school is out for the summer.  I am truly enjoying having Geoffrey and Hope with me every day!  (Ask me again in a few weeks, right? --just kidding, of course, since Geoffrey is probably reading this...)

Last week, though, we had a very special day for Geoffrey--his last day of elementary school.  That's right, 5th grade graduation!  On to middle school!  This was a chance to celebrate what has already been accomplished before moving on. 

First of all, I must say that Geoffrey looked so handsome!

We were so proud (!) to watch Geoffrey be honored, along with only 10 other 5th graders (out of 81) with the Presidential Award for Educational Excellence.  The award is based on academic performance during both 4th and 5th grades, including grade point average and standardized testing. 

Geoffrey, I want to tell you again how very proud I am of you... for many things.  Certainly your academic performance is something I am proud of, but there is more.  This has been a difficult year, and you have handled the changes that came your way with great strength and courage.  You have grown into a wonderful young man right before my eyes, and I am blessed to know you and to be your mom.  I love you!

p.s. You better keep kissing and hugging me, even though you're going to middle school now!!  Love, The Mom